1989年生,陕西延安人,主要从事地表信息反演及遥感不确定性研究。现主持国家自然科学基金、陕西省教育厅自然科学基金、陕西省科技厅自然科学基金项目,以第一作者或通讯作者身份发表SCI论文9篇,EI论文1篇,中文核心期刊3篇。在遥感领域重要国际学术会议以第一作者发表论文3篇。先后参与了多项与遥感地表信息反演、土地覆盖专题图尺度转换及不确定性评价分析的研究课题。现已面向美国农作物专题图Cropland Data Layer(CDL)数据建立了一套面向用户需求的专题图尺度转换及其不确定性评价方法,面向农作物面积估计建立了遥感抽样估计方法,形成了一系列科研成果。为遥感数据服务走向多尺度化,数据高共享率、精准服务能力及适应用户需求进行了一定的探索。
Sun, P.*, Congalton, R. G., Grybas, H., & Pan, Y. (2017). The impact of mapping error on the performance of upscaling agricultural maps. Remote Sensing, 9(9), 901.
Sun, P.*, & Congalton, R. G. (2018). Using a similarity matrix approach to evaluate the accuracy of rescaled maps. Remote Sensing, 10(3), 487.
Sun, P.*, Congalton, R. G., & Pan, Y. (2018). Improving the upscaling of land cover maps by fusing uncertainty and spatial structure information. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 84(2), 87-100.
Sun, P.*, Zhang, J.*, Congalton, R. G., Pan, Y., & Zhu, X. (2018). A quantitative performance comparison of paddy rice acreage estimation using stratified sampling strategies with different stratification indicators. International Journal of Digital Earth, 11(10), 1001-1019.
Sun, P.*, Congalton, R. G., & Pan, Y*. (2019). Using a simulation analysis to evaluate the impact of crop mapping error on crop area estimation from stratified sampling. International Journal of Digital Earth, 12(9), 1046-1066.
Sun, P.*, Pan, Y.*, & Zhang, J. (2019). Comparison of upscaling cropland and non-cropland map using uncertainty weighted majority rule-based and the majority rule-based aggregation methods. Geocarto International, 34(2), 149-163.
Sun, P.*, & Congalton, R. G. (2019). The impact of landscape characteristics on the performance of upscaled maps. Geocarto International, 1-18.
Sun, P., Zhang, J.*, Zhu, X., Pan, Y., & Liu, H. (2017). A highly efficient temporal-spatial probability synthesized model from multi-temporal remote sensing for paddy rice identification. European Journal of Remote Sensing, 50(1), 98-110.
Niu, Z.,Sun, P., Li, X., He, Y., Huang, C., He, M.Y., Huang, H.* and Wang, N.*. (2020). Spatial characteristics and geographical determinants of mercury and arsenic in snow in northeastern China. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 11(11), 2068-2075.
Sun, P.*, & Congalton, R. G. (2019, July). Comparing the impact of mapping error on the representation of landscape pattern on upscaled agricultural maps. In 2019 8th International Conference on Agro-Geoinformatics (Agro-Geoinformatics) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Sun, P.*,Congalton, R. G. & Pan, Y. (2018, May). Comparing the impact of the mapping error on aggregation methods. In 2018 Proceedings of Spatial Accuracy 2018 (pp. 26-34)
孙佩军,张锦水*,潘耀忠,谢登峰,袁周, &米琪. (2016).构建时空融合模型进行水稻遥感识别.遥感学报, 20(2), 328-343.
孙佩军,张锦水*,潘耀忠,谢登峰,袁周, &米琪. (2016).基于无人机样方事后分层的作物面积估算.中国农业资源与区划, (2016年02), 1-10.
孙佩军,杨珺雯,张锦水*,潘耀忠, &云雅. (2015).图斑与变化向量分析相结合的秋粮作物遥感提取.北京师范大学学报:自然科学版, (S1), 89-94.
谢登峰,张锦水*,孙佩军,潘耀忠,云雅,袁周, &米琪. (2016).结合像元分解和STARFM模型的遥感数据融合.遥感学报, 20(1), 62-72.
杨珺雯,张锦水*,潘耀忠,孙佩军, &朱爽. (2018).基于遥感识别误差校正面积的农作物种植面积抽样高效分层指标研究——以冬小麦为例.中国农业科学, (4), 675-687.
国际会议口头报告二等奖,论文题目“Comparing the impact of the mapping error on aggregation methods”,2018,International Spatial Accuracy Research Association